About Icon Analytics

Icon Analytics was founded to bring an engineering perspective to internet marketing. Core to our philosophy is research, innovation, and problem-solving. We enjoy solving challenging problems, and we derive satisfaction from making things work. We are not marketers. We do not deal with buzz words, we do not make unrealistic promises, and we do not make unverifiable claims about customer success. We offer you data-driven engineering and scientifically-sound solutions that will make your business grow online.

Executive Leadership

Vivian Onyekwelu
Co-Founder and Chief Marketing Officer (CMO)

Our CMO started her professional career as an actress, starring in hit plays such as Southern Girls (as seen in Wikipedia) and The Trojan Woman. She is an avid social media content creator and aficionado, and a pioneer vlogger. She started her first YouTube channel in 2010, long before the boom of vlogging. Ms. Vivian is a trained Social Media Marketer and is skilled in storytelling with dashboards.

She is also a registered nurse and she blogs on health and technology.

At Icon Analytics, Ms. Vivian presents clients with a vivid and easy-to-understand analysis of their businesses from an internet marketing perspective, devoid of jargon. She works with our clients to understand their needs and develops road maps for growing their businesses online. She facilitates smooth two-way communication between Icon Analytics and our clients to ensure Icon Analytics meets and exceeds their expectations. 

Chief Fetch Officer (CFO)

Born March 2, 2020, Sansa, our CFO is a red standard poodle pup. She does talk too much but she enjoys the game of “fetch”. You can find her professional portfolio here